
Ok, here we are "Welcome to Elemantary School" !
When I entered my class, I just thought what would I get in this small room. There were so many child like me everywhere and everycorner. So strength, so wierd !
it was 1998. Wow, long long time ago.
Yea, its the time when I entered my second Education after Kindergarten in SD 138430.
You can call this world as a free world. When you can do anything without doubt, without shame and without thingking first :D I do not know what's so special about this school, but certainly my parent's children- included me, schooled in this elementary school: D
Not bad I think, because at that time it was the only school nearest my house. But without any mistake, this school is state accredited and recognized, although not yet, haha
but strangely, in one class there were approximately 30 students, it's great, isn't it? and not with my arrogant, but you could say I'm including achieving children, ummm maybe a little rather clever girl, eh no, as a standard child exactly, haha
not too much competition, but believe it or not there was a child that is difficult to beat. yaa, this one was really smart. no wonder she's always been the
first ranked  for 6 years. somehow I envy her. besides beautiful, she was also a good friend :) simple person and not excessive. she's Halimatussa'diah :) and till now she still be my best friend :)
how about me?  I'm just an ordinary girl who wanted to look smarter than she was. I'm not stupid, yet I also got my second rank for 6 years. it's just that, I feel the teacher is unfair. I've tried to be better. but  thats all was AVAIL. The teachers have prioritized that she would always be the first. Well, what can I do with this all? I just accept it : ')


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